1. Set the Winning Score for the game via the Winning Score settings option. The first player to reach the set Winning Score Wins the game.
2. Set the number of die by choosing 'Single Die' for one or 'Dice' for two from the Conditions settings option.
3. Play in Day or Night mode by choosing an option from the Display settings.
DiceRoll Match is a fun, exciting and competitive two-player game. The goal is for one player to first reach the Winning Score in order to win the game.
1. Players take turns to roll the dice by clicking on the ROLL DICE button in order to accumulate points. A player can store their accumulated / current score by clicking the HOLD button to add the score their total score which brings them closer to the Winning Score.
Note: If a players does not click HOLD to add their accumulated / current score value to their total score (the bolded red number ), they can lose it all if they eventually roll a '1' i.e the number 1 appears in any of the die'. The player will automatically loss all the accumulated scores which now becomes 0;
2. Clicking the HOLD button or rolling a '1' in any of the Die will switch turn to the next player.